Can I do this for the rest of my life?


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sending out emails that contain the “overrated vs. underrated” theme you may have seen popularized on Instagram.

Example #1

Eating fruit, overrated or underrated?
Answer: UNDERRATED - Along with containing a multitude of vitamins, fruit is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Truly, nature's candy - mmmmmmm. No, fruit is NOT bad for you, You will not gain weight by eating fruit. You can eat it at any time of day and this will all still be true.

Example #2

Intensity in your training? Overrated or underrated?

This is something I feel VERY passionately about.

Gone are the days that you have to train to your max capacity in every workout. Training to feel sore or be exhausted DEFEATS the purpose of training. I hear it all the time. “But I wasn’t sore after my workout? Is it still effective?”

If you feel that you have no energy throughout the day, or you’re sore after each session, chances are:

- You're burnt out

- You're training beyond your abilities (which will lead to eventual burn out)

- Your body isn't getting the rest it needs

- Your body isn't getting the right fuel it needs

- You need to adjust your programming

Before we get further into this…no this doesn’t apply to everyone. Elite athletes or those training for a competition are the exceptions. Chances are, that is not you, and like 99.9% of the population, you are probably training for life. So, let’s continue…

Your training is meant to GIVE you energy.

...WHAT? (for real, read that again).

You’re meant to feel energized after your workout. Your workout is meant to be exciting and fun, something you can look forward to. If you’re dreading your workout, or find it exhausting or painful, chances are you’re not going to have a lot of success with your routine.

"No pain no gain" is a thing of the past because we know very well that (constant) PAIN = BURNOUT. Don't get me wrong, training to your max capacity/intensity can be fun, but it certainly is not needed everyday, or every week.

Slow, small, sustainable habits are what grants us success in anything in life.

This is as true for nutrition and training as it is for your professional and personal life. Any substantial change that you cannot maintain will not bring you joy in the long term.

So ask yourself this:

Can I do (fill in the blank) for the rest of my life?

If you answered "no" to this then you may want to reconsider what it is you're doing. I always result back to that saying: "giving 80%, 100% of the time is better than giving 100% for a short while."

If you don’t know where to start, save yourself some time and energy and hire a coach that can help you determine where you’re at.

Put your likes or dislikes for Joe Rogan aside and have a listen to this excerpt. A friend sent this to me this week and I think Firas hits the points well!

Workout Smarter

**Disclaimer: Firas Zahabi says training consistency allows you to train more - but this doesn't mean training 7 days a week, either.


Virtual Bootcamp has been getting extra spicy these days! Last week’s theme was all about Time Under Tension (TUT). Slowing down movements forces the muscle group to spend more time under tension. This is a great way to progress movements or weight that you feel are "easy", without actually adding weight. If you’re at home or at the gym, add some tempo to your session to change up the stimulus.


Follow along shoulder mobility

1x through


10 glute bridges

10 superman

20s forearm plank

X 3 rounds


Staggered stance glute bridge x 12/side

Sumo Good-morning x 15 (3 seconds down, explode up)

Rest 30s

X 3 

Superman to swimmer x 10

Supinated bent over row x 12-15

Upright row x 10 (3 seconds down, 1 second up)

Rest 1m

X 3 

Around the world x 12-15 (3 seconds down, 3 seconds up - slow and controlled)

Bent over lateral raise x 12-15

Wall tricep extensions x 8-12

Rest 1m

X 3 

Side plank (with rotation) L x 10

Side plank (with rotation) R x 10

Plank Reach/Anti-Rotation Plank x 10

Rest 1m

X 3

**If any of these movements are new to you, please google them or feel free to contact me.

Cool down:

Coach Sof


So, you’re going back to the gym?


Setting S.M.A.R.T GOALS