Workout 15

Walk x 2 minutes

Jog x 1 minute

Sprint x 10-30 seconds 85% effort

Back to walking

Repeat as much as you’d like, for up to 40 minutes.

Start with a slow and steady walk. From there, go into a comfortable jog. That will look different for everyone depending on how much running you typically do. Go for YOUR 50%. From the jog, go into YOUR 85% effort of a sprint. Be mindful of pulling the feet back into your bum to use those hamstrings, slightly leaning forward. Follow this by moving back to your 2 minute walk.

You can repeat this process for up to 40 minutes.


Add an extra minute to your walk (3 minutes total), and opt for only a 10 second sprint. You can also opt to only do this for 10 minutes (3 rounds total). If you’re new to running, this is still a great place to start!


Workout 14


Workout 16