Workout 28

10 reps of each, 9, 8, 7….1

Squat and side jump 

Step-ups R, then step-ups L

Single leg sit-down R, then single leg sit-down L

SOOOOO much legs! You will perform each exercise for 10 reps (or 10 reps/side). Then 9 reps each, 8, 7….all the way down to 1.


This is going to be spicy! So prepare those legs with this week’s lower body warm-up! Please remember that you can modify it by the steps on the stairs. The higher, the more challenging. When you’re completing a sit to stand, the lower steps will be more challenging, so make sure you’re coming to a height that will allow you to participate in this movement!

Remember with those sit-to-stand that placing your foot on the ground is totally acceptable! The idea is that you’re *mostly* pressing into the foot that is closest to you! 


Workout 27


Workout 29