Workout 35
Step workout
3-5 rounds (12-18 minutes)
Curtsy back lunge x 30 seconds L, then 30s R
Bulgarian Split Squat x 30 seconds L, then 30s R
Step-jumps/step-ups x 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
We’re working in 30 second intervals! Start with the curtsy lunge variation; complete 30 seconds on left, then 30 seconds on right. After that, move to split squats on the left, then on the right. For the final minute, do box steps or jumps!
Modifications: Choose the lunge options that work best for you! There is no shame in holding a wall or something close by to keep you stable if the movement is new to you. For minute 3 (box steps/jumps), you can swap back and forth (do a few jumps, then a few steps) if it allows you to stay consistent!
This is a great workout to do on a few steps! Otherwise, pick a low box, cooking pot, crate, or coffee table, and get to work!