Workout 42

4 rounds, increasing your time with each round:

10 walking lunges (optional: weighted)

8 burpee

6 SA snatch 

4 box jump

2 ½ turkish get up (optional: weighted)

Rest 1 minute

Start a clock and start your walking lunges. Then complete 8 burpees, 6 snatches, 4 box jumps, and 2 ½ turkish sit-ups. Rest 1 minute. Then complete round 2 of the same exercises, but hopefully, slightly faster! The goal is to shave off some time with each round. 


Whether you’re shaving off 1 minute or 5 seconds, any bit of time goes a huge way. This is a “you vs. you” workout - and a great way to push yourself! Breath, and don’t let the clock get the best of you ( or do….).


Workout 41


Workout 43