Workout 6

Two Part workout:

5 rounds of:

Lunge/Curtsy lunge (add weight) x 16 total

Wall-sit (for as long as it took to do lunges)

*Rest 1:1 ratio

CORE: 30 seconds each x 3 rounds

Elbow plank R

Elbow plank L

Single leg tuck - double leg tuck - v-up

Rest 1 minute

Part 1:

Start a clock before you begin lunges. Complete the option that works best for you! Once you finish, notice your time - do your BEST to wall-sit for as long as the lunges took. I.e., if it took you 45 seconds to do lunges, try and wall-sit for 45s. However, if this is your first time wall-sitting, try your best to do whatever you can! 

Once you finish wall-sitting, note what the time is at. If lunges + wall sits took your 3 minutes, you will then rest for 3 minutes before beginning again. 

Keep this format the same until you finish all 5 rounds.

Part 2:

*Be sure to rest as needed between parts! Start a clock and do your best to side plank from anywhere from 10-30 seconds. Try to complete the same time for your plank on the opposite side. Once you’ve finished planks, choose a variation of tuck-in’s that works for you!

Substitute: Choose the movement that works best for you and where you’re at, or change the time frame. Wall-sit or do any of the core movements for a shorter period of time. Rest as needed. Add intensity by adding 15 seconds if desired!


Workout 5


Workout 7