Workout 71

1. EMOM 

5 squats + 1 box jumps

5 squats + 2 box jumps

Add 1 box jump every minute

Keep adding 1 jump until you can no longer complete the amount in 1 minute.

2. 3-4 rounds of:

20 superman into 30s superman hold

20 alt knee tuck-in/v-ups into 30s tuck hold

Are you used to these EMOM’s yet? As you can tell I’m having fun with them! The workout might start slow, but it’ll catch up to you soon! Start by doing 5+1 in minute 0-1:00. At the 1:00, start 5+2. Keep adding until you can’t add any more jumps in! This workout is sneaky! 

If you have more in you to give, have a crack at part B. Remember if you’re feeling any tension in the low back during core exercises, take a break! You don’t want your back to steal the show! So rest when your core is telling you to rest!


Choose a height that you are comfortable with stepping or jumping! If you typically jump to 20in step, make sure that you’re comfortable with that height once you start doing 5+ jumps. The more comfortable you are with the height, the more you’ll be able to maintain the jump!


Workout 70


Workout 72