Workout 70
20 slow climbers + 20 toe reaches x 3 rounds
1 minute of burpees
20 opposite knee slow climbers + 20 heel taps x 3 rounds
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of inside feet/toe taps/high knees
20 shoulder taps + 20 anti rotational plank/plank reach x 3
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of inside feet/toe taps/high knees
1 minute of skater, skater, drop squat
Here is a fun challenge to spice up your week! Each set adds another layer of high intensity, but changes the core piece. No equipment is needed for this. Grab a yoga mat and get to work.
Complete each numbered set prior to moving onto the next. Rest is up to you! Rest between movements, or within them!
Slow down the cardio pieces. It might say 1 minute, but you don’t have to give your 100% effort. If you can maintain 70-80% effort in that 1 minute, then you’re golden! Another way to modify this is by treating those minutes of cardio as tabata’s. So consider moving for 35-40 seconds, then rest for 20-25 seconds prior to hitting the next one! This is a really sweaty workout, but as always, you change the intensity of the workout based on your work to rest ratio.
Have fun with this one!