Workout 11

Stair workout 


Step-ups, Stair jumps, more stair jumps

Incline push-ups

Feet up and over something

Stair walk/jog/sprint

Rest 2 minutes

Repeat x 5

Have a timer available! I use “Timer” on my iPhone and really love how accessible (and free) the app is. You will complete each movement for the same amount of time. For example, 50 seconds of step-ups, then 10 seconds of rest as you transition to push-ups. Complete the full circuit, rest as needed, and then repeat 5 times.


Time: Rest/Work ratio is your call! Just make sure it totals 1 minute. 40/20, 30/30, 20/40 is great!

Movements: Choose regressions you can do for the entire work period!

Rest: Lengthen or shorten the rest depending on how you’re feeling! Make it more challenging by taking out the rest or shortening it! Make it more doable by adding rest!

Rounds: Change the rounds! This is a great progression because you can, for example, choose harder movements for you (or a longer time frame), and shorten the amount of work that you do. I.e., 50/10 work to rest, but then 3 rounds (instead of 5). The stimulus might feel different for you, but it will still be 15 minutes of intense work!


Workout 10


Workout 12