Workout 13

Three sets of each complex. 

Each set follows the same style:

1:00 minute for the first movement, :30 seconds for the next movement, and anywhere from :30 - 60 seconds of rest x 3 ea.

  1. Squat; Jump squats 

  2. Floor press (push-ups); burpees

  3. Lunge, jump lunge

  4. Sit-ups/crunches; plank on elbows (plank taps)

For this workout, you will be going through each set 3 times.

For example, for 1 minute you will do some variation of squats, right into 30 seconds of the plyometric exercise, followed by 30 to 60 seconds rest. After the rest, you will repeat the same exercise 2 more times.

Follow this same format for all 4 complexes. 


Aside from substituting the movements to an option suitable for you, another suggestion is to change the sets. Instead of doing 3 sets, you can modify from anywhere to 1 to 4 sets. Choose what will be a “comfortable challenge” for you - I like that. Comfortable challenge.


Workout 12


Workout 14