Workout 49
3 rounds of:
Sumo Goodmorning x 15
Curtsy reverse lunges x 12
3 rounds of:
Gorilla Row x 12
Floor press x 12
Front Raise x 10
Lateral Raise x 10
Bent over raise x 10
X 3 sets
Strength work for today comes in THREE Parts - Lower, Upper, & shoulder accessories (more upper)!
You should consider starting this workout by doing some lower body activation *see past week’s lower-body activation in the “warm-up” title.
Each set is designed that you do one exercise for the suggested time, moving right into the second exercise (with minimal rest). Once you complete the second (or third) exercise, you should take your rest then. Anywhere from :30-:90 seconds. Complete each part (or superset) before moving on to the next superset.
Judge the rest that you take by how fatigued you feel after each set. If you’re using more weight than you’re used to, or these are new movements for you, make sure to take a longer rest period.