Workout 51

9 minutes of:


EMOM 3 burpees 

Optional core:

Plank into plank reaches x 10-30s 

Side plank into star plank x 10-30s

X 3 rounds each 

Part one is A LOT. The workout starts at 0:00 with step-ups. You will do step-ups at a slow and consistent pace until 1:00. At 1:00, complete 3 burpees and then move right back into step-ups until 2:00. At 2:00, complete 3 burpees and move right back into step-ups until 3:00. Complete this same pattern until 9:00.

Suggestions: This workout does not have any designated rest. The idea is that the step-ups feel like “active recovery” from the burpees - so choose a burpee combo that challenges you, and make sure to move slow and steady through the step-ups.

If your step-ups are weighted, the burpees will be a nice rest for your grip strength. 

Optional core: If you have more in you after the 9 minutes, feel free to challenge yourself with the additional core piece! Both movements should be done right after each other, resting at the end of the super-set. Complete 3 rounds through!


Workout 50


Workout 52