Workout 58


30s plank

30s rest

30s dumbbell hop over

30s rest

30s bicycle 

30s rest

30s farmer carry

30s rest

30s db swing

30s rest

X 3-5 rounds

*count your reps in each one

60s max rep burpees

3 minutes rest

X 3

On a running clock (or timer if you prefer that), start the first 30s in a plank of your choice. Rest 30 seconds before you move into 30s dumbbell hop over. Maintain this 30 on, 30 off, until you’ve finished one full set (5 minutes). Choose to do 3-5 rounds total.

Afterwards, pick your burpee position of choice and set a timer for 60 seconds. Do as many of those burpees as you can in 60 seconds, then rest for 3 minutes. Repeat this twice (hint: try to meet/beat your score on the second round).


The goal is to work at a very high intensity for 30 seconds. Pick a movement you can maintain and push the pace on! If you want to make this more challenging, choose a different work:rest ratio (i.e., 45/45, or 60/60). By the time you rest, it should really feel like you need it!


Workout 57


Workout 59