Workout 59
EMOM x 9
Box jumps
EMOM 8-12 snatches
This is a short one today!
Set a timer for 9 minutes! For 9 minutes, you will complete step-ups/box jumps. Be sure to choose a height that you’re comfortable with! The speed should feel manageable - for everyone! Think about it like a long walk - steady! Every minute (starting at 1:00) do 8-12 snatches. Continue on for 9 minutes total!
9 minutes is a LONG time when there are only 2 exercises to be done. Keep two things in mind: does this speed feel manageable and am I challenging myself in the snatches? This is for sure a box-jump/step-up workout, but you want to be sure you’re challenging yourself in those snatches. So choose reps/weights that push YOU!