Workout 68
FULL BODY EMOM x 8 minutes
6 deadlifts, 4 box jumps, 2 push press
CORE EMOM x 6 minutes
Min 1: 30s plank
Min 2: butterfly crunch
Let’s finish off this week with a fun little EMOM. Deadlifts, box jumps, and push press (OH MY).
Each minute, for 8 minutes, complete 6-4-2 as fast as you can (with good form). Rest the remainder of the time until the start of the next minute.
Rest as needed prior to completing the core piece.
Start a running clock. At the start of the first minute complete 30s of plank, rest the remainder of the time. Then complete 30 seconds of butterfly crunches. Rest the remainder of the minute. Continue this style for 4 more minutes for a total of 6 minutes.