Workout 74
Strength work:
Part 1: EMOM x 8
Min 1: 3-5 Push-ups
Min 2: 10 Rows, 10 TRX/Ring Rows, 10 Jumping Pull-ups, 10 banded pull-ups
Rest 3-5 minutes
Part 2: EMOM x 12
Min 1: 12-16 cossack lunge
Min 2: 30-45s wall-sit/pulsing wall sit
This workout is all about quick transitions and challenging yourself in a way you wouldn’t normally in a regular workout! Complete the reps as quickly as you can at 0:01, then rest the remainder of the time until :59. Then move to the next set of exercises in the next minute. Continue this format for 4 rounds (8 minutes in part 1) and 6 rounds (12 minutes in part 2).
In Part 1, reps are short! Enjoy that. Pick a weight/variation that will challenge you. Please note: you don’t have to do the movements without resting. For example, if you know you can perform 1 full push-up, but not 3-5 in a row, then complete 1 push-up, rest 10-15 seconds, then complete 1 more. Rest as necessary between movements if it means it will allow you to challenge your abilities more.
Part 2 is a little less rest than Part 1. Choose weights/variations you can do that will challenge you, but will allow you to rest enough in the time slot given! You got this!