Workout 75

30 seconds on, 10 seconds off

Box jumps

Forearm plank


Plank tap outs


Plank pull through

X 4-8 rounds 

A sure way to get you sweaty! You need a timer or a running clock for this one! Make sure to keep your eye on that timer! Move through each movement for 30 seconds, and rest for 10 during transitions! This is a fun one!


Consider making the rest period longer - anywhere from 15-20 seconds. Whatever you do, stay consistent. Try and rest the same amount between each movement. 

Your rounds will be dependent on how you’re feeling, how much time you have, and the intensity you’re moving at! If you’re feeling good and have time, consider going for 5+ rounds! If you’re really maximizing the intensity, consider doing 4-5 rounds! It’s all about listening to your body as you move!


Workout 74


Workout 76